As a manufacturer of electronic components, Meisongbei uses a variety of metals in the products we produce. Some of these metals – Tin (Sn), Gold (Au), Tungsten (W) and Tantalum (Ta) – could be refined or smelted in the eastern region of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) or surrounding Countries which have been determined to be a Conflict Region and the metals deemed Conflict Metals if the proceeds from their sale supports directly or indirectly any armed terror group as described in the U.S. Dodd-Frank Act.
The supply chain for these metals is complex and Meisongbei is undertaking reasonable due diligence in our supply chain to ensure that these metals are not sourced from disreputable refiners or smelters which aid or support armed terror groups from any Conflict Region.
Meisongbei expects its suppliers to adhere to the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct and source only from Active or Conformant refiner/smelters as defined by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI)
Meisongbei also follows industry guidelines to source Cobalt responsibly, and complies with all (EU) /2017/821 legislation on importation of Conflict Minerals into Europe.
Meisongbei and our suppliers do not knowingly use any metals originating from Conflict Mines. Meisongbei regularly questions our supply chain to ensure these Conflict Metals are not used.
Meisongbei will provide its Customers with an RMI Conflict Minerals Reporting Template as well as a Cobalt Reporting Template twice annually upon request.
Hanlin Li
Director, Corporate Quality
June 16, 2021